July 31, 2024

How Long is a Funeral?

Planning a funeral can be a challenging and emotional experience. Understanding the duration and different components of a funeral can help you prepare and make informed decisions. Martin Grinnell Funeral Services, experts in funeral arrangements, are here to guide you through every step. In this blog, we’ll answer common questions and provide insights into what to expect regarding the length of a funeral service.

How Long is a Funeral Service?

The length of a funeral service can vary significantly based on the type of service and the personal wishes of the family. Here's a general guide:

Traditional Funeral Services

Traditional funeral services, often held in churches or funeral homes, usually last between 20 to 30 minutes. However, if the service includes a mass, such as a Catholic funeral mass, it can extend to around 45 minutes.

  • Catholic Funeral Mass: Typically 45 minutes.
  • Traditional Service: 20-30 minutes.
  • Civil Celebrant or Humanist Service: Around 15 minutes.

These times are approximate and can vary depending on the specific details and personal requests involved in the service.

Key Points:

  • Duration varies by service type.
  • Catholic masses are generally longer.
  • Civil and humanist services may be shorter.

What Should I Wear to a Funeral?

Attending a funeral requires a respectful dress code, often leaning towards sombre and conservative attire. While traditions may vary, there are some general guidelines to follow:

Appropriate Attire

  • Men: Dark suits with a white shirt and a black or dark tie.
  • Women: Dark dresses or suits, avoiding bright colours.
  • Children: Similar to adults, with a focus on respectful and dark clothing.

It’s essential to respect the family's wishes and any cultural or religious dress codes that might apply.

Key Points:

  • Wear dark, conservative clothing.
  • Respect cultural and religious dress codes.
  • Avoid bright colours and overly casual attire.

How Soon After Death Can You Be Cremated?

In the UK, there are legal requirements that must be fulfilled before a cremation can take place. These regulations ensure that all necessary paperwork and permissions are in order:

Cremation Timeline

  • Minimum Waiting Period: Generally, cremations cannot occur until at least 24 hours after death.
  • Documentation: Required paperwork includes medical certificates and cremation authorisation forms.
  • Planning: Funeral directors help manage these requirements to ensure a timely process.

The exact timing can depend on various factors, including the availability of the crematorium and the completion of legal paperwork.

Key Points:

  • Minimum waiting period of 24 hours.
  • Required documentation must be completed.
  • Funeral directors assist with legal and planning aspects.

Why Do Funerals Take So Long in the UK?

Several factors contribute to the duration between death and the funeral service in the UK. Understanding these can help manage expectations and plan accordingly:

Factors Influencing Timing

  • Availability of Venues: Churches, crematoriums, and funeral homes may have limited availability.
  • Legal Requirements: Necessary paperwork and death registration can take time.
  • Personal Preferences: Families may need time to gather and prepare.

These factors can lead to a waiting period of one to two weeks, although sometimes longer, especially if an inquest is required.

Key Points:

  • Venue availability can affect timing.
  • Legal and documentation processes are necessary.
  • Family preferences play a role in scheduling.


Understanding the duration of funeral services and the factors that influence timing can help families plan and prepare for these significant events. At Martin Grinnell Funeral Services, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and professional support throughout the entire process, ensuring your loved one’s funeral is handled with care and respect.


What is the time frame for a funeral?

A funeral is typically held around one or two weeks after the death, though it may be longer if the funeral director only has certain days available or if there is an inquest into the death.

How long is the average UK funeral?

On average, a funeral in the UK lasts between 40 minutes and an hour, not including the reception or wake. However, every funeral is unique.

How long is a funeral typically?

Expect the service to last between half an hour to one hour; longer for public figures or if there are lengthy readings or speeches.

How long does a funeral and wake last?

Wakes typically last a few hours. However, some families organise larger celebrations that can last several hours after the funeral service. There is not generally a set time for guests to leave a wake.

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